W. Mark Saltzman is an engineer and educator. His research has impacted the fields of drug delivery, biomaterials, nanobiotechnology, and tissue engineering: this work is described in 300 research papers and patents. He is also the sole author of three textbooks: Biomedical Engineering (Second Edition, 2015), Tissue Engineering (2004), and Drug Delivery (2001).
The grandson of farmers from southern Iowa, Mark Saltzman graduated with distinction from Iowa State University with a B.S. in chemical engineering (1981), earning admission to graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received an M.S. in chemical engineering (1984) and a Ph.D. in medical engineering (1987). He was hired as an assistant professor of chemical engineering at Johns Hopkins University in 1987 and promoted through the ranks, becoming a tenured full professor in 1995. In 1996, he joined the faculty of chemical engineering at Cornell University, where he was named the first BP Amoco/H. Laurance Fuller Chair in Chemical Engineering. Dr. Saltzman moved to Yale University as the Goizueta Foundation Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering in July of 2002, where he became the founding chair of the Yale’s Department of Biomedical Engineering in 2003.
Goizueta Foundation Professor of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering and Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology