
Dana V. Akiki, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow
EASBME Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: 

Dana is a postdoctoral researcher focusing on targeted delivery of therapeutics to the renal endothelium via surface engineering of polymer nanoparticles with antibody fragments.

Research History: 

As an undergraduate researcher, Dana studied shape-memory polymers and radical-mediated “click” chemistry emulsion polymerizations. Dana completed her Ph.D. in 2022 with a thesis on “Informed Design of Polymer-Selective Nanoprobes for Optical Super-Resolution Microscopy.” As part of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, she investigated the interaction of ultrasmall inorganic nanoparticles with specific domains in block copolymer thin films.

Contact Info


55 Prospect Street
MEC 401F
New Haven, CT 06511


B.S. Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University

Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University